Expert Witness Work:
Top Hat has been hired by many of the top insurance companies in Wisconsin to investigate how house fires have occurred from faulty hearth products and installations as well as faulty chimney systems. These investigations and reports have helped resolve how and why fires and damage occurred. When lawsuits were needed to resolve these cases, Top Hat has been hired to testify in court to help resolve these cases.
NFI Certifications:
A NFI (National Fireplace Institute) certification is important to you because you can have additional comfort knowing that you are dealing with a retailer that is not just meeting your expectations, but EXCEEDING them. This certification is designed to increase public safety by establishing meaningful credentials for professionals involved in planning and installing residential hearth appliances and venting systems.
Teaching Wisconsin Building Inspectors:
Based on over thirty years of experience in the industry, teaching at National Hearth Product conventions, doing hundreds of house fire investigations and teaching insurance underwriters and adjusters throughout the United States, Top Hat was commissioned to write curriculum and teach Wisconsin building inspectors about gas, pellet and wood burning fireplaces and stoves as well as chimney and venting systems. In all, about 1,000 building inspectors throughout Wisconsin were able to attend and learn about these subjects.
Our expertise in the business has allowed us to do training presentations for:
- Insurance Companies
- Fire Departments
- National Conventions
- Home Shows
- Home Inspectors
- Builders/Architects